Monday, October 31, 2016

Longhorns are known for their easy going personality. Although depending on the weather and whether they are hungry or not is a different story! Because a change in climate makes them a bit frisky! But on a normal day they are considered one of the more docile cattle breeds.
(Photo creds. to boss lady on the farm:)

Big John- steer

Kickapoo- steer

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Did I mention we have an abundance of wildlife here on the farm as well? We do! Here are just a few spotted on our deer camera.

Monday, October 24, 2016

We all love it when cool weather blesses us with it's presence on the farm. Did you know most cattle are comfortable at 40-50 degree weather? It's true. And even more so for longhorns because of their hardiness. There's an old cowboy saying that "The thicker the coat on a calf, the colder the winter that lies ahead". Now, whether that is true or not you will have to ask an old cowboy! Right now everyone, especially the calves and including the horses, are putting on their winter coats.

Gentle Jack #7 (Bull) and Myself

Friday, October 14, 2016

It's a beautiful sight when you can kick back and watch the cattle. Here on the farm it's one of our favorite past times. A close runner up is when we gaze upon the horses grazing so quietly. At least when they are satisfied. As the days grow shorter and fall sets in, it's hard to be able to enjoy the farm during the week. But what little time we do get to watch God's creations, we enjoy every minute.
My cowboy daddy watching Mr. T.  

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

This little steer will be two years old on thanksgiving day. My how time flies. Big John Deere is what I've named him. Big John for short. His horns are coming in nice! Nice and straight, good blood flow, and tipped at the very ends. These pictures were taken a year and a half apart. In the bottom picture he was only 5 months old. In the top picture he is 22 months old.
Big John Deere- Steer

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Longhorns, much like any other animal, are very affectionate and protective of their young ones. Most of our momma cows will let you come close to their calves. While a few want you to keep your distance while the calves are still "new". This picture was taken on a Sunday. Time for a bath I guess!
MyMy bathing her calf

Monday, October 3, 2016

When fall days roll upon the farm, it's the best time to sit and watch them graze. So gentle and quiet. Wondering why I didn't bring them any cubes..... It's when you can really see how they interact with each other. I love to see them graze. For some reason it "calms the soul" you could say. Or I guess you could say that's just the cowgirl in me. About this time of year the calves are all getting older. Between 9-11 months old for a few. Which means....more calves to arrive soon!!
MyMy- Registered cow