Monday, May 22, 2017

Sunday Funday here on the farm. After a nice shower Saturday and Sunday morning, it's nice to be able to get out there and spend time with our cows. We are on calf watch with Kajun Queen. Her last calf was born in June of 2016. Typically you can expect 1 calf / year / momma cow if all goes well. And I have to say, our momma cows are pretty true to that. You can just about expect they will have their calves exactly a year apart. At least within the same month of the year. It makes it easier on us farmers knowing when to expect as well!!

Calf check on Kajun Queen

Seniorita Margarita and her calf. This bull calf is 5 months old.

Siblings that are a month apart. One heifer and one bull calf.

Big John Deere's horns are still growing nice!

Friday, April 21, 2017

People don't understand that cows are exactly like any other animal. Every one of them has a specific color, trait, and personality that sets them apart from the rest. When you are a small Texas farm owner like myself, you find that we do indeed know all of our cows on a personal level. After all they all have names! You learn which you can walk up to, who you can play with, who to leave alone when they have a calf, and etc. I can hear all the city folks comments on Facebook saying "Wow! That cow is huge! You better be careful! I heard that one time a longhorn....." My response to these stories is always "Well what did the owner do to the cow?" There is always an explanation or an underlying story. All in all, you do have to be cautious. Always know your surroundings and who is in front, behind, or beside you. Because even the tamest of animals, can turn on an instant if provoked. Even if the provocation was unintentional.

Friday, March 17, 2017

As a calf continues to grow, so does it's horns. You could compare their horns to our ears and noses. They never stop growing throughout our life. The same goes for Longhorn cattle. As you can see in this picture, it's almost like a rainbow of colors. At the base the horns look almost yellow. Then as you go outward you see more yellows, tan, white, purple, and finally a pink! The pink indicates good blood flow. Which is what you want to see in a young calf. Big John although not a young calf, has not reached his full potential yet. So we will continue to see his obvious horn growth for a few years. Just like when we get older the changes are not as subtle, the same goes for cattle. When they are fully grown it is hard to tell by merely gazing upon them if their horns have grown or not. Big John being a steer also contributes to his continuous growth. Meaning that all his energy and hormones are going towards horn and size production rather than reproductive matters.

Every animal is unique in their own way. Cattle in particular. There will always be that one little aspect that sets them apart from the others. Unlike Angus cattle, Longhorn cattle differences are far more noticeable. Not only be their color differences, but by their horns! After all, that is what they were named for! That's also the first thing here at the farm we look at when purchasing. "Man look at that set of horns!" is often thrown around as common phrasing.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

It's a sad start to the month of March on the farm as we remember our Ol' Momma Cow. Although she lived the remainder of her days out on the farm, they were good ones for sure!

We acquired her some years ago through a "two for one" kind of deal. We purchased two decent cows and the old farmer threw her in the mix. Which was better than the alternative... She only gave us one calf before she became too old to calve. Unlike most big beef farms, we keep our cows until nature takes it's course. Mostly because they really are like our pets. We shed a few tears, but remember that this is a part of life on the farm. It's to be expected eventually, although we don't have to like it. Even when we know that they're days are limited, it doesn't make it any easier.

R.I.P Ol' Momma Cow.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

A farmer can always tell when spring is on the way. For starters the weather is never the same in Texas two days in a row. Secondly, every living soul on the farm is shedding like crazy! Although there are still a few more weeks of winter left, the ol' hides know the hard times are almost over. For the farm manager, that is me, I just like being able to come home and see all of my babies in the evening sunlight. Even if it is only for a short while.

You could say our horses are picky eaters. For instance, they won't touch hay that looks even a little rough. Or any of the salt and mineral blocks we set out for them. They also think it's a race when they see that grey Chevy pull in the driveway and they take off to the feedlot. Supper time!
Mr. T enjoying his supper.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Hello 2017! With the beginning of the new year continues the strange weather in Texas. Cold one day and hot the next. 80's yesterday and 30's today. This week has been particularly chilly. With hints of frost and a few flurries. The four-legged's at the farm don't stay far from the hay. Did you know when cows eat the roughage,  and horses for that matter, they are actually warming their bodies at the same time? This is due to the fact that heat is released during digestion. So when they eat a lot, it's not necessarily because they are that hungry. They might just be that cold!

Here we have our "Herd Turd" as we like to call our bull Gentle Jack when he gracefully spreads and wastes fresh hay.